4 Steps to Pick the Perfect Cricket Bat

It’s hard to find a more significant Australian pastime than cricket. The sport is one of the nation’s most coveted summer time activities. Whether you’re a casual player or a serious cricketer, it always helps to have a solid cricket bat. Luckily, there are tons of different cricket bats to choose from – you just have to know what to look for. Being spoiled for choice can sometimes make the process even more difficult.

Choosing the right cricket bat is essential; you don’t want to end up with a subpar bat and poor game. Whether you’re purchasing a bat for yourself or your child, it’s critical that you buy an excellent product. There are plenty of cheaply made cricket bats on the market, but they won’t provide you with the capabilities that other bats provide.

In this article, we take a look at what you need to know to choose the perfect cricket bat. Our guide can help you gain the expertise you need to make the right choice when you head to the shops for your next bat. Cricket can be an expensive sport, so it’s important to find a good deal on your next bat.Check out our advice below.

Set a Budget – Factory or Handmade?

As with any purchasing decision, it’s important to set a budget before you start your research. This is the best way to exclude any bats out of your price range automatically. Don’t waste your time looking at cricket bats that are too expensive. Always look or ask for the price upfront to ensure that you don’t get excited about something you can’t afford.

Bats have considerable variations in price. Some can cost upwards of $400, while other cheap bats can sometimes be purchased for $30. There are considerable disparities in these bats, and it’s often easy to tell. One of the biggest deciders of bat prices is the difference between factory and hand-made bats. If you want to purchase a cheaper bat, you should opt to look at factory bats. If you’re okay with a bigger price tag, and you want something that is quality, you should try and look at a range of handmade bats.

Fortunately, there are a lot of bat manufacturers that also provide multiple bat variations of the same bat model. If you find a bat you like, there’s probably a chance you can get a cheaper version of it by the same manufacturer. The quality won’t be as good, but it will typically have a similar shape and texture. Some bat manufacturers have up to four price variations of the same bat shape, so make sure to look out for this if you’re looking for a bargain.

Which Cricket Style Fits Best To You?

After you sort out your current budget, it’s time to start looking at specific bat types. The first thing you should consider is the type of bat style you want. This will also depend on your personal style of cricket. You should consider the kind of cricket you’ll be playing such as tests, ODIs, or T20. Many bats are made to play in any type of cricket, but some of the custom-made bats are specifically built for specific kind of batting.

If you’re someone who only plays T20 cricket, you may want to consider purchasing a cricket bat specific to T20. If you’re someone who typically bats for long periods of time in test cricket, it’s important you consider a bat explicitly built for this type of play. If you’re like most cricket players, and you play all kinds of cricket, so purchasing a general bat that is built for all-rounders is probably your best option.

After you decide on the type of cricket you will be playing; it’s time to assess the kind of cricket player you are. It’s essential to purchase a bat that suits your personal playing style. Even if you don’t think you have a typical playing style, you most likely do. Everyone has a unique swing and motion. Purchasing a bat designed for your type of motion can help you improve your hits and overall results.

The first thing you should ask yourself is if you use your front or back foot when you bat. If you’re someone who relies on your front foot more, it’s essential to have a bat with a sweet spot that sits low or around the middle of the bat. If you’re someone who sits on your back foot more, you’ll want a sweet spot that is higher up the bat. This might sound redundant, but it’s imperative to purchase a bat that has a sweet spot in the right area.

What Is The Right Bat Weight For You?

After you decide on the style of bat you’re looking to purchase, it’s important to consider the other crucial component: weight. Many cricketers make the mistake of buying a bat without assessing the weight. If a bat looks right and has the type of style you’re looking for, you may get ahead of yourself and purchase a bat that isn’t suited to your weight requirements.

Purchasing a bat without considering the weight can completely change the way you play. If you’re not strong enough to swing your bat, you won’t receive any benefits from the weight of the bat. At the same time, if you’re a strong player and your purchase a light bat, you’re probably preventing yourself from hitting as hard as you can.

This is especially important if you’re purchasing a bat for a junior player. You don’t want to buy an extremely heavy bat for your child if they’re unable to use it correctly. Junior cricket is about building the confidence of young players, so it’s vital to ensure you purchase your child a bat with a weight that suits them.

Whether you’re purchasing a bat for yourself or a child, the best way to decide if the bat is the right weight is to pick it up and test it out. There’s no set methodology for this; everyone has different strength and size, so give the bat a swing and see if it has enough weight to hit well without being a burden on your arms.

Choose The Right Cricket Supplier

After you’ve assessed all the crucial components of the right bat, it’s time to start deciding where to purchase your next cricket bat. Choosing the right bat provider is one of the most crucial components of buying the best bat. You need to find a cricket supplier that genuinely understands cricket, andmany people make the mistake of purchasing bats from general sporting goods stores. These large sporting stores don’t have the same options as a cricket specialist store. Also, their staff don’t have cricket specific knowledge that can help you choose the best bat.

Cricket specialist stores also have plenty of other cricket gear that you can use to improve your cricket career. If you’re looking for a one-stop-shop for excellent cricket gear, using a cricket specialist store is an awesome option. Many of the top cricket stores now have online websites that you can use to browse their gear selection. The best cricket stores have a wide variety of bat brands and bat modifications.

It’s also beneficial to choose a store that has a local presence. If you want to ensure you get the best bat, it’s important to go and try it out before you make a purchasing decision. While online shopping is convenient, you may want to consider picking up a bat before your purchase it. Also, if you go to a cricket specialist store and purchase a bat, you’ll be able to speak to a staff member that can help you assess the style of bat that is best suited to you.

Meulemans Has The Right Bat At The Right Price

Your relationship with your bat is important; it’s crucial that you do your research before you decide the brand and style you want to purchase. Buying a new bat is an exciting time that can help you improve your current cricket career. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced cricket player, it’s essential to purchase a bat that is suited to your style of play and strength. Don’t underestimate how different your production will be if you are buying the wrong bat.

Don’t waste time at general sporting goods stores; there are plenty of cricket bat brands that aren’t carried by these larger Australian outlets. Choosing the right supplier can help you benefit from a wide selection and specialist knowledge. If you don’t know the type of bat that suits you, talking with an in-store specialist can help you assess your style of play and find bats that will help you bring your game to the next level.

While cricket bats do get pricey, there are tons of variations, and you’ll be able to purchase a solid bat for an affordable price. Make sure to set a budget and stick to it. There are plenty of reasonable price points available in the modern cricket bat market!

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