Exercise Tips for Getting Back into Cricket after the Festive Period

If you are a cricket fanatic, you will already know how tough it can be to get back into shape after a few weeks lay off, as those essential muscles enjoy an unfamiliar period of inactivity. The rest and relaxation time is now behind us, and for those who wish to get going with a soft exercise routine to prepare for the gruelling season ahead, here are a few tips on how best to get that body back into a level of fluidity.

  • Swimming – This is an ideal activity for gently working the entire body, and in the heat of the summer, there’s no better way to cool off than a few lengths of the pool. Start with every other day, and then raise the bar to daily, gradually increasing the swimming distance. This is also a very good way to warm up the muscles prior to specific back and hip exercises that develop a batsman’s craft.
  • Morning Warm Up –Those muscle groups have been having an easy time and by going through a basic warm up routine when you get out of bed in the morning, you are reducing the risk of a torn or pulled muscle. Stretches and twists are ideal, to get your joints moving, and after a few days, you can increase the intensity a little.
  • Jogging – This is a fine way to prepare the body for another bout of serious activity, and it is something that can be done at any time and place. Some people run round the block before dinner, while others prefer to early morning circuit, prior to getting ready for work. Warming up is essential, even for a short run, and you might also want to warm down, and make sure you stay hydrated.
  • Sit Ups – Yes they hurt, but, as the saying goes, “No pain, no gain” and this is likely to be the area that has suffered the most from the lay off. Easy living affects our waistline, and the sit up exercises will prepare you for the weight room, when you can get that six pack back. Start off with a number that is comfortable, and if you can put up with that dull abdomen ache that always accompanies the first few days, then you will be the better for the experience.
  • Pilates – This is not strictly reserved for pregnant women and the elderly, and the classes are ideal for gentle muscle stimulation and strengthening joints. Pilates also develops flowing body movement, something essential for a good batsman or bowler. If you live in a city, the chances are there are Pilates classes nearby and a simple online search should put you right.

Cricket is a sport that requires the player to be a good all-rounder, with batting, bowling and fielding all an essential part of the game, and by exercising responsibly after the Christmas break, you will be ready for the next game.

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